Tungum Tubing

Arrow Flow Solutions is a stocking distributor of Tungum tubes. Our staff has 15 years’ of experience solving offshore corrosion issues with Tungum tubes.
Tungum tube is unrivaled in pitting and crevice corrosion resistance with no recorded failures and an expected installation life of at least 35 years.
Arrow Flow Solution systems specified with Tungum tube include Instrument Air, Utility Air, Starting Air, Potable Water, Hydraulic Fluid, Nitrogen, Vents & Sounds, Black and Grey water, Flammable Gas, and Breathing Air.
No additional external protective treatment required
i.e. painting or coating
Compatible with Oxygen
Excellent Lifetime Cost
Excellent lifetime cost compared to other tubing options. Typically, 15% less costly than 6Mo Steel, Super Duplex tubing, and jacketed stainless steel tubing.
Corrosion Resistance
Excellent crevice corrosion resistance
Resistant to Seawater
Resistant to seawater and chloride stress corrosion
Great ductility
Fully Compatible
Tungum tube is fully compatible with typical 316 SS tube fittings.
Pitting Corrosion Resistance
Excellent pitting corrosion resistance
High strength to weight ratio
High working pressures
Same or better than 316 Stainless Steel
Tungum tubing has the approval of:
ABS – American Bureau of Shipping Type Approval
BAM – Federal Institute for Gaseous Oxygen Service, tested in accordance with ASTM G124-10 (2010)
FPAL – Achilles First Point Assessment for suppliers to the Oil & Gas Industry (Supplier No. 10054096)
IMCA – International Marine Contractors Association – Document D012 – approved for use in Oxygen systems
Shell Approval
Tungum features in the Shell Global Design and Engineering Standard, table 4 (instrumentation materials) Selection of materials for life cycle performance (upstream facilities) – equipment DEP Feb 2013.
National and international specifications:
- BS EN 12449 CW700R R430
- ASTM B706-TF00
DNV GL – Det Norske Veritas ISO 9001: 2008
ASME – American Society of Mechanical Engineers Section 1, VIII, B31.1 & B31.3
USCG – United States Coast Guard
NORSOK – M-650 Qualification of manufacturers of special materials
Lloyds Register of Shipping
BP Approval GP36-15-1
BP has approved Tungum tubing for “non-process” applications GP36-15-1. Tungum has passed extensive testing and is segment defined for mitigating and preventing external corrosion on topside small bore tubing.
Defense Specifications:
- Army AFS 4000
- Navy NES 749 Part 3
- Aircraft DTD 253A & DTD 5019